Three Phases
We often work with services in three phases covering everything from initial research to finished product and to optimization.
Full Integrity
We deliver all our services with full integrity to the customer. As per client’s request, we can also sign a confidentiality agreement (NDA – Non Disclosure Agreement) to further concentrate on security measures for handling confidential information.
I. Pre-Development
Geological Feasibility Studies
Before doing anything, it is a common practice that a geologist makes fieldwork in the area of interest. Such work may be initiated by a hypothesized orebody based on a number of factors such as geological maps and surveys, terrain anomalies etc.
Our geologist has extensive experience in mineral and ore exploration and have found orebodies where others have not.
Initiating Strategic Planning
If the studies showed possible orebody of commercial interest, then further development means years of additional investigation of the project, depending on the ore’s complexity.
In this context, it is essential that a Master Plan that will guide the development of the resource towards operations be put in place. It is also important to evaluate the cost and the amount of work required in running the development project at an early stage.
Promin has worked with both large and small projects from inception to operation and further. Therefore, we can give good advice even at start up stage.
II. Development of Orebody
Feasibility Studies
We have worked with feasibility studies on several levels and has updated information on the requirements set by the different standards and what is expected by the investors and the other stakeholders. A well-conducted study will provide a great advantage in the investor market.
- Conceptual study (Order of Magnitude or Scoping Study)
- Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS)
- Feasibility Study (FS)
Feasibility studies will vary slightly depending on which Reporting Code one needs to comply with. In the Nordic countries, both the JORC and NI-43101 are commonly used. South African SAMREC is used widely in the African continent. What disclosure standard to use will ultimately depend on the investor market one wants to tap into.
Work on feasibility process often involves a broad-based project with good control over a given time. It is important to have both knowledge and experience that this process will be good and will have a successful outcome. We have been involved in such processes and has first-hand experience with the requirements that must be in place for the product to be approved.
Drilling and Geological Development
In developing an orebody, a continuous updating and clarification of the geological model becomes necessary.
Promin AS can create such models and can facilitate that these models be approved by a Competent / Qualified Person.
We’ve worked with a lot of right ways to conduct drilling campaigns by consistently using QA / QC (Quality Assurance / Quality Control) throughout the process to ensure that all data gathered are secured and can even be applied retrospectively, if needed.
Our geologist has extensive experience in various core logging methods, geology, Q values, XRF etc.
Natural environment and landfill
We know the rules and what are required. Perhaps more importantly, we know how you have to work with the media and public opinion in such matters.
- regulations
- deposition:
- onshore,
- sea-based,
- backfilling and
- investigation of opportunities for repurposing waste materials
- Media handling and information-dissemination activities
- Setting up measurements of noise, dust etc.
Rights and Permits
In the development of the orebody, it is essential that the company has control of their rights. It can be hugely damaging to a business if your rights and permits get revoked or expired while in the development phase. Promin has good experience in monitoring and following up rights and permits and is familiar with the implementing rules well.
Rights and Permits
- Exploration Permit
- Extraction Permit
- Operating License
Recommendations and Follow-Up
- We apply for rights/permits on the company’s behalf
- Promin can help formulate a proper Strategy for Rights Acquisition for the company
We can take responsibility for supervising and monitoring of these rights and permits.
Mining and Open-Pit Planning
We have good methods and tools for visual presentation and planning of mining and open-pit mining.
- Selection of mining method
- Mine design presented as a 3D Model
Estimation of Mineral Reserves.
Orebody Evaluation & Modelling
We already have good experience with Orebody Evaluation and set-up of economic models based on geological data from the company’s drill programs.
- Collection of geological data
- 3D modelling of the orebody
- Quantification of concentration or other qualitative parameters by Kriging Regression
- Issuance of the Resource Report certified by a Competent Person in accordance to international standards set by JORC (Australasian) and NI 43-101 (Canadian)
- Drone piloting of areas with the possibility of photogrammetry and photo-realistic 3D models of landscape, fractures, buildings etc.
We can design and/or assist in the compliance process required by the local, regional or national authorities. In case we lack the specific expertise required, we can still have access to such as we are a part of a network that provides specialized services and tools.
- Planning Program
- Zoning Plan
- Environmental Impact Assessment (can include Social Impact Assessment)
- Application for Mine Tailings Deposit Permit
Many projects are starts late with their Planning Programs and consequently, lose valuable time later in the process. Bureaucratic processes always take time and therefore, it is important to start this effectively.
In such a process, it is common that the media and public opinion address the case strongly, so it is important to act properly and promptly. Promin has good experience in dealing with media and in information dissemination of the business standpoint of the company to the public.
III. Orebody in operation
Exavation and Operation
Promin has an overview of the requirements applicable to the proper excavation and operations of the mine and can assist in monitoring of everything from mining to underground mining.
- Mineral Law compliance
- Mining Technical Manager
- Operational support
- Operations Plan
Construction of factory
Promin has extensive operational experience from several different processing facilities and has worked on a variety of equipment. We can help in selecting the right equipment and work together with a technical team to come up with great solutions for operation.
We have good contacts in our network, which can provide special services like technical drawing and construction of processing plants.
Refining / Mineral Processing
Promin specializes in the dressing processes and has a unique partnership with the Mineral Processing Laboratory at NTNU which allows us to follow up test works from A to Z.
- Testing and Experiments:
- Laboratory-scale,
- Pilot-scale, and
- Full-scale.
- Good overview of the technology available in the market.
- Experience from the operation of the processing plant for minerals.
- Sampling
- Quality Control
- Freight transport and storage
Other services
HSE - Health, Safety and Environment
We know the requirements and regulations applicable to the mining industry in Norway and can put up an overview of what should the company comply with. We can also help to set up internal control systems and monitoring of HSE.
- The Labor Standards Act
- Internal Control Regulations
- HSE systems for your business
- Helps implement a system that works effectively
- Effective safety inspections
Laws and regulations
We have worked on many projects in which we have to relate to, among other things.
- Mineral Law
- Mining Regulations
- Labor Standards Act
- Regulations for the performance of work
- Other relevant laws and regulations.
Technical / market
We have worked with a wide range of issues for several mining companies. We’ve also helped them with their branding touchpoints like logos, website, collaterals and design in general, and we have set up cloud-based services that eliminates the need for an entire IT department. We have a competent English translator and we have people who can help with English contracts and general consultation in these areas.
- Cloud services
- Language
- English translations, IELTS level 9
- Japanese
- Philippine
- Other languages (but has to be reserved ahead of time)
- Contract Consultation